Saturday, November 15, 2008

Uncle Eric

Okay, I will post about DC soon, I really will. I'll have pictures and EVERYTHING. Anyway, My Uncle Eric posted this on the Miller family blog when we had not posted for a while, and it made me laugh... so I thought I'd repost it.

If anyone reads this or maybe you are reading this at some future date and figured out how to open a file with XP, I just want you to know that we once had green plants and trees and the oceans were blue, filled with all sorts of flora and fauna. The birds sang and people danced. Then they came up with this thing called a blog and no one interacted anymore except by way of the computer. Then............suddenly it was all quiet. Quite freaky yet kinda serene. Anyway, if you are reading this, try to make contact by anyway possible. The date is now September 18, 2008 measure from the time of Christ. And I now bid you, God Speed.

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