Friday, September 19, 2008

Random Thoughts

I've been thinking a lot of random thoughts lately, mainly because I am obviously not sleeping enough to think straight. My latest thought has been about colors. Does everyone see colors the same? Is the blue I see the same one you see? Weird!! I've also thought about email... teenagers are GREAT at it, we see an email, we respond if necessary. Easy enough, right? WHY CAN'T TEACHERS MASTER THAT CONCEPT?! I sent an email out to 26 or 27 teachers, and I have received 3 replies. Ridiculous huh?


Gbf said...

I have thought about colors a little my self, although, it has not been lately.
The way I understand it, colors are close to the same for most people. The only difference is if someone is color blind, they see colors a little different.
It is hard to know if we see the exact same color as someone else, because we can not see thought someone eyes other then our own.

The way colors are made is very interesting topic. Light is made up of all of the colors. When the light hits a object, that object absorbs all of the colors in the light spectrum except for the one we see. The color that we see is repelled by the object and is reflected back to our eyes. If there is no light, then there is no color, so everything appears black.

Kassi said...

You would think that everyone sees the same colors... but it would be interesting to know... don't you think?